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Finding Satisfaction and Rest in God’s Plan

For my first seventeen years as a Christian, I never really sought or followed the Lord. During that time I also never felt any real security or peace about any aspect of my future. Then in 1996 the Lord placed within me a thirst and hunger for Him that I did not know how to satisfy. That same year I was introduced to the ministries of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee and to the local church.

It is through these ministries in fellowship with the believers of the local church that I am learning to eat and drink Christ for my satisfaction. Slowly the veils are being removed from my heart so that I can see the divine truths of God’s Word, the center being God’s economy—God’s plan to make Himself, in Christ, one with man.

Praise the Lord! God has a plan, a goal to make His eternal dwelling place with man. As one of God’s redeemed, I am a part of this great plan. Now by letting Christ work in me for His purpose, I can have peace moment by moment with no fears of the future. I am being freed from the dissatisfactions and concerns of this world. What satisfaction! What rest!


The Church in Alexandria

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